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Royaume Uni

Code IATA : BA     Code OACI : BAW

Imperial Airways, créée en 1924 fut scindée en British European Airways (BEA) et British Overseas Airways Corporation (BOAC) dans les années 40. Ces deux compagnies, de même que BEA Airtours, Northeast Airlines et Cambrian Airways, furent fusionnées en septembre 1972 pour former British Airways.
La compagnie fut privatisée en 1987 et elle absorba British Caledonian Airways en 1988. En 1996, ele devint actionnaire majoritaire d' Air Liberté.


IATA code : BA     ICAO code : BAW

Imperial Airways, formed in 1924, was divided into British European Airways (BEA) and British Overseas Airways Corporation (BOAC) in the 1940s. These two, BEA Airtours,Northeast Airlines and Cambrian Airways, were merged to form BA in september 1972.
In 1987 the carrier was privatised . In 1988 it absorbed British Caledonian Airways. In 1996 it acquired a majority stake in Air Liberté.

(Flight International 20.03.75 and 27.03.96)





